Well guys, my last blog post was 3 months ago and a LOT has changed, so I think it's about time to jump back on the bandwagon. My only New Year's Resolution this year is to start blogging our lives again (and to stop biting my nails but I say that every year and well... yeah).
With the addition of our little Jane, in combination with living thousands of miles away from family, it's about time to start documenting again. I know we will want to remember these first days of squishy baby skin and early morning feedings by the glow of twinkling Christmas tree lights. These days where the coffee pot is on all day and the dark circles under my eyes keep getting darker-- but I could not care less. These are good days, and they deserve to be recorded.
2013 was so great to us, and we cannot wait to see all the joy that 2014 will bring.
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
30 Weeks!
30 weeks! So, technically I'm already 31 weeks. But this little nugget is measuring behind schedule and I'm not disciplined enough to keep on track with the blog. Brian and I had a date night the other night and kept talking about how crazy it is that in 10(ish) weeks, we become parents for the rest of our lives. In 10 weeks, our world will be turned upside down in the sweetest way possible. We are so so excited, but also wanting to soak up the last bit of time we have as just the two of us. I know having a baby will bring so much joy into our family, but it's been a dang good
two years of having my man all to myself.
We've been talking a lot more about birth around these parts (as in our house, not those parts) and are getting excited to see how our lady will choose to greet the world. We have had lots of friends walk through this over the past month, and it's been fun (also, scary) to hear/read the retelling of their birth stories. I am reading a few books, just for inspiration, but am really trying hard to take everything with a grain of salt and not get caught up on the "right" way to do things. We aren't making a birth plan, but rather just letting my body do it's thing and praying for a smooth labor and delivery. How freeing to remember that God is ultimately in control, and though we may plan and plan and plan-- He knows best.
I leave tomorrow to fly to the states for 2 1/2 weeks, and I am OH so excited! I can't wait to hug my family and catch up with dear friends over coffee and eat so much good food. If you think about me, please pray for a smooth flight-- and maybe an upgrade to first class? Couldn't hurt :)
As always, thanks to my sweet Mands for taking these pictures. And thanks to sweet John Shea for sleeping like a little angel the whole time.
Monday, September 16, 2013
28 weeks
This was a big week in the baby department. With the births of two sweet boys to some of our dearest friends here, trips to the hospital to visit babies and for OB appointments, and a baby shower for another dear friend-- we are more excited than ever to meet our girl.
I had my 28 week glucose test this week, yay for no gestational diabetes! I also had an appointment with my midwife to check on our girl and listen to her heartbeat (which was racing from the 100g of sugar I had consumed an hour prior). All looks good, and she is growing right on track. Since I have a negative blood type, I also had to get my Rhogam shot at this appointment. We feel so blessed with the care we have received at the Naval Hospital here. We've heard horror stories, considering military hospital care has a history of not being the greatest. But we cannot say enough great things about our sweet midwife, who knows us (Brian included) by name and calls after my appointment to follow up. She has honored every wish we have had thus far in the pregnancy and makes us feel supported in any way she can.
I'm getting a little bit nervous about my flight home. Flying for 24 hours while 30 weeks pregnant? Swollen extremities, here I come. Compression stockings needed ASAP. It will be SO worth it though. I just can't wait to hug my family, wear a scarf, get a good haircut, and drink a pumpkin spice latte without sweating.
I had my 28 week glucose test this week, yay for no gestational diabetes! I also had an appointment with my midwife to check on our girl and listen to her heartbeat (which was racing from the 100g of sugar I had consumed an hour prior). All looks good, and she is growing right on track. Since I have a negative blood type, I also had to get my Rhogam shot at this appointment. We feel so blessed with the care we have received at the Naval Hospital here. We've heard horror stories, considering military hospital care has a history of not being the greatest. But we cannot say enough great things about our sweet midwife, who knows us (Brian included) by name and calls after my appointment to follow up. She has honored every wish we have had thus far in the pregnancy and makes us feel supported in any way she can.
I'm getting a little bit nervous about my flight home. Flying for 24 hours while 30 weeks pregnant? Swollen extremities, here I come. Compression stockings needed ASAP. It will be SO worth it though. I just can't wait to hug my family, wear a scarf, get a good haircut, and drink a pumpkin spice latte without sweating.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
25/26 Weeks: East China Sea

I had previously gotten a report from my doctor that I had an anterior placenta, meaning just that the placenta was between the baby and my tummy. Because of this, I could feel the baby moving all the time, but Brian wasn't able to feel her from the outside. He would always have his hand on my belly and I would ask, "did you feel that?" and sadly his answer was always no. Well, we are pretty positive that my placenta has shifted and fixed itself, because this weekend he was able to feel her nonstop. On Friday night we were laying on the couch and Brian had his hand resting on my belly while we were watching a movie. Out of nowhere babygirl kicked the crap out of me, and Brian jerked his head to look at me and said, "I definitely felt that." Such a sweet moment. And from then on he has been able to feel her. She gets all squirmy every time she hears her dad's voice, which turns me to mush. I can't wait to see the two of them together.
We remain so thankful for this healthy pregnancy and the chance to experience something so incredible. Every time we leave an appointment or talk about child birth, we are always left speechless and in awe of our Creator.
Labor day weekend was exactly what we needed this past weekend. Slow mornings filled with coffee and Jesus, days with no plans, a few golf outings, grilling out, and a lot of couch snuggling. There is so much to look forward to in the next few weeks/months, and I know the time is just going to fly. So many babies being born here to dear friends, a trip to the states, my best friend's wedding, starting a community group in our home, and soaking up every spare moment in between with my man before we add a baby to the mix. 

Thank you friends for all your kind words and prayers! They mean more than we can say.
Monday, August 26, 2013
24 Weeks: Cape Zanpa

We're pretty sure we've decided on her name, and love calling her that when it's just the two of us. (mostly to make sure we don't get tired of it after saying/hearing it multiple times a day) So far, so good! But you guys will have to wait a bit longer to find that out :) We've bought her crib and a dresser and Brian painted the room a bright, sunny yellow for our sunshine girl. Slowly, but surely, it's all coming together!
I'm feeling great, and am truly thankful that God has granted me a fairly easy (so far!) pregnancy. Besides some mild heartburn/indigestion and a lot of heavy mouth breathing, I'm doing alright! Baby girl moves around all day, which puts this mama at ease. I don't mind it one bit. Even when it wakes me up in the night, I just take a minute to pray for her and then drift back to sleep. Keep on moving, little lady.
As always, thanks to my sweet Mands for the pics! She is SO close to meeting her boy. Can't wait to see him!
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
22 weeks: Castle in the Sea & 23 Weeks: Yomitan Bluffs
Today is your lucky day! Two weeks of pictures for the price (or click?) of one! I somehow let last week get away from me without posting my 23 week pictures. I feel like babygirl popped out a bit more at 24 weeks and it's fun to look at these pictures next to each other and see the difference from one week to the next! I know I say it often, but I will be so so thankful to have these pictures to look back on one day.
Not too much new to report. I think I am in the sweet spot of pregnancy. Over the sickness that comes with the first trimester, but not huge enough to be uncomfortable yet! I'm feeling great and sleeping great.
I booked a flight this week for a trip to Charlotte in October and cannot wait! I am so excited to hug my family and friends, and indulge in some American cuisine. And my sweet bestie is marrying the man of her dreams.
So many things to look forward to!

Week 23:

I don't think stripes are doing me many favors, but I'm trying to be comfortable and confident in my ever changing body. It will all be worth it when we finally get our hands on that sweet, squishy little girl.
Happy Wednesday, friends!
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
21 Weeks: Southeast Botanical Gardens
Oh, babygirl, how we adore you! We can't wait until you are here and
dream about snuggling you all the time.
Working on nailing down a name for her, but goodness! Naming a human is hard. Enjoying feeling her move around more and more in my belly and growing bigger with her each and every day. Trying to get used to my ever changing body and remembering that weight gain is a GOOD thing. It's a hard mindset to grasp, but luckily my man is good at reminding me. And he thinks I'm cute.
Still so thankful to be in Okinawa throughout this pregnancy. The sunshine and warm breeze are always reminders of God's faithfulness to us throughout this healthy pregnancy and throughout our lives. He is so so good.
Thank you all for joining in this journey with us and loving us well from afar!
Sunday, July 21, 2013
20 weeks: Kadena Marina

We had almost convinced ourselves that she was a he, but she is definitely a she! At our 20 week ultrasound, babygirl promptly opened up her little legs and showed us what she was and then crossed her ankles for the rest of the ultrasound. What a modest little thing. Making mama proud.
Brian is going to be the best girl daddy ever. He would make a heck of a boy dad as well, but I can't wait to see him love the mess out of this little girl and I can't wait to see her have her daddy wrapped around her little baby fingers
(not that I would know anything about that, right dad?).
We scored a precious white Jenny Lind crib for $20 this weekend, and are starting to dream about what to do with her room. I know it's a long way off until she will actually sleep in there,
but it's so fun to decorate and have a project to work on.
As usual, thank you Mands for the pics! I will love having these to look back on
and the memories of taking them each week with you!
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
19 weeks: Shuri Castle

Next week we have our 20 week ultrasound and find out what kind of human we are having! Excited doesn't even begin to describe it! Any guesses as to what gender our babe is?

(Brian and I pre-baby on our first trip to the gorgeous Shuri Castle)
Monday, July 1, 2013
18 weeks: Hamahiga Island
My sweet friend had the wonderful idea to take belly pictures all around this beautiful island that we get to live on. I loved that idea and decided to steal it, thanks Mands!
As much as I want to remember this pregnancy and what an honor and blessing it is to grow this sweet babe, I also want to remember how blessed we were to get to live in this amazing place throughout this journey. Brian and I have definitely found some special places in Okinawa that continue to take our breath away. We want to remember the memories that were made in all our special places with this tiny baby in belly.
So, here we are at 18 weeks! It might not look like much, but to me, my body is changing daily. We got to hear the baby's heartbeat this week and I'm convinced there is nothing sweeter and more reassuring than that swooshing heartbeat. I felt the baby move for the first time this week as well! Lots of little pops and flutters throughout the week to let me know baby is doing ok.
I continue to crave meat, meat, and more meat. I'm not usually a huge red meat eater, but I cannot get enough steak, ribs, and burgers these days. And watermelon! So much watermelon.
Brian is convinced it's a boy because of my meat eating, but we will see! We find out the gender in about 2 weeks, and we can't wait! My energy comes in spurts, and some days I still indulge in hours of napping. I love that this slow, calm, island life lends itself to a pregnancy full of relaxation and rest.
Brian and I stumbled upon this gorgeous beach on one of our Saturday drives and came back this weekend to snorkel (for me) and spear fish (for Brian). The beach is pretty deserted and we had it all to ourselves. Picnic lunches, the smell of sunscreen, and sunkissed skin. Summer is blissful to me.
Happy Monday, friends!
Thursday, June 20, 2013
that time we went to Thailand

While Brian was on his exercise in Korea he called me with a few days left and said, "Babe, I'm taking leave when I get back. I wanna take you somewhere. Plan a trip anywhere." And THAT is a good man right there. We, of course, knew at that time that we were pregnant and wanted to take one last big trip before baby and the timing just seemed right. So, I booked two flights to Thailand and off we went.
We ended up going to Phuket and just staying there. We would have loved to have traveled around the country some, but honestly, I just wasn't feeling up to it in my first trimester. We wanted a simple, lay at the beach or the pool and eat a lot vacation. And that is what we got! We spent much of our time lounging at the roof top, saltwater infinity pool at our hotel. We had a view of the ocean on one side of the pool, and lush green mountains on the other. And we practically had the pool to ourselves everyday. It was so quiet and relaxing. Just the refreshment Brian needed after his time in Korea.
But don't worry, we did enjoy a few of the touristy things that Thailand has to offer. Because how can you be in Thailand and not ride an elephant? Am I right? And Brian played soccer with an elephant which was hilarious and so completely random. We also rented a motorbike for our week there and rode all over Phuket on that thing. It was slightly dangerous, as speed limits and road lines are non existent in Thailand, but it was so much fun to have the freedom to explore on our own.
We got two celebrate our 2 year anniversary while we were there which was so special. I just adore this man. Plain and simple. Being married to him is a dream and I can't believe I get him for eternity. The past 2 years have been the best adventure of my life and I am beyond blessed to get to live life with this man by my side.
And oh boy, I am so excited to see him become a daddy.
God was so so good to me, as I was not feeling well up until leaving for this trip. But as soon as we landed in Thailand, it was like the sickness went away and Thai food sounded delicious to me! So we ate our weight in Pad Thai, thai curry, and fruit. And it was wonderful.
The beaches were great and beautiful, though we both agree that they had nothing on our Okinawa beaches.
You just can't beat white sand and turquoise blue water. We are spoiled by living here.

What a wonderful trip it was. I am so so thankful for our time here in Asia where we can travel and see this side of the world. We do not take it for granted.
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