We're pretty sure we've decided on her name, and love calling her that when it's just the two of us. (mostly to make sure we don't get tired of it after saying/hearing it multiple times a day) So far, so good! But you guys will have to wait a bit longer to find that out :) We've bought her crib and a dresser and Brian painted the room a bright, sunny yellow for our sunshine girl. Slowly, but surely, it's all coming together!
I'm feeling great, and am truly thankful that God has granted me a fairly easy (so far!) pregnancy. Besides some mild heartburn/indigestion and a lot of heavy mouth breathing, I'm doing alright! Baby girl moves around all day, which puts this mama at ease. I don't mind it one bit. Even when it wakes me up in the night, I just take a minute to pray for her and then drift back to sleep. Keep on moving, little lady.
As always, thanks to my sweet Mands for the pics! She is SO close to meeting her boy. Can't wait to see him!