Monday, July 1, 2013

18 weeks: Hamahiga Island

My sweet friend had the wonderful idea to take belly pictures all around this beautiful island that we get to live on. I loved that idea and decided to steal it, thanks Mands!

As much as I want to remember this pregnancy and what an honor and blessing it is to grow this sweet babe, I also want to remember how blessed we were to get to live in this amazing place throughout this journey. Brian and I have definitely found some special places in Okinawa that continue to take our breath away. We want to remember the memories that were made in all our special places with this tiny baby in belly.

So, here we are at 18 weeks! It might not look like much, but to me, my body is changing daily. We got to hear the baby's heartbeat this week and I'm convinced there is nothing sweeter and more reassuring than that swooshing heartbeat. I felt the baby move for the first time this week as well! Lots of little pops and flutters throughout the week to let me know baby is doing ok. 

I continue to crave meat, meat, and more meat. I'm not usually a huge red meat eater, but I cannot get enough steak, ribs, and burgers these days. And watermelon! So much watermelon. 

Brian is convinced it's a boy because of my meat eating, but we will see! We find out the gender in about 2 weeks, and we can't wait! My energy comes in spurts, and some days I still indulge in hours of napping. I love that this slow, calm, island life lends itself to a pregnancy full of relaxation and rest. 
Brian and I stumbled upon this gorgeous beach on one of our Saturday drives and came back this weekend to snorkel (for me) and spear fish (for Brian). The beach is pretty deserted and we had it all to ourselves. Picnic lunches, the smell of sunscreen, and sunkissed skin. Summer is blissful to me. 
Happy Monday, friends!


  1. beautiful pictures :)
    you are glowing!!!!

    i can't wait to see more of these pictures <3

  2. Unbelievable. Tell Brian I craved beef with Ivie, but not with Max! Muahaha!

  3. Ok, there are are no words for how excited I am that you are PREGNANT!!!! I can hardly believe it. I want to hug you so badly I can't stand it. Our little family loves you so so much. Emerson is in a phase where she constantly wants me to tell her stories about the past. So, we tell lots of Mackenzie stories. And I tell her that even though she might not remember me you, that she loved you and that y'all were besties. Mackenzie stories are my favorite to tell.

    Love you friend! Praying for you, Brian, and that sweet blessing of life you are carrying!

  4. just love this! gosh i wanna be there. i wanna visit paradise. it looks amazing, as do you. love the tummy pictures McK. miss you here in NC...

  5. Gorgeous photos! What an amazing adventure to live there. I crave watermelon when I'm pregnant too, and just lots of fruit in general! Good luck with your pregnancy, it's such an incredible journey. Oh yeah, I'm a new reader too

